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Our FAQs

We have taken the time to create an extensive library of the most frequently asked questions we receive concerning hair, hair transplant, beard transplant, eyebrow transplant, hair restoration and much more.

If you can't find the answer to a question you have then do not hesitate to call one of our experts on 0330 363 0001.

Not everybody is suitable for a hair transplant. There are many factors that must be taken into consideration to determine this, to list a few: hair characteristics, the extent of hair thinning/loss, size of your head, amount of hair you wish to regain/reclaim, the amount of hair you have to use, etc.

The most accurate way to determine your suitability and the options that exist for you specifically is to attend a FREE expert consultation with one of our specialists who can accurately assess your situation and advise you honestly.

Yes. However, it is important to ensure that a hair transplant is performed correctly and that the donor hair is obtained from the permanent zone. This ensures that the hair follicles retain the dominating factor of being resilient to DHT (dihydrotestosterone), the hormone responsible for hair loss.

A hair transplant works by redistributing hair follicles. A hair follicle is a cell that produces a keratin fibre that manifests itself and individual hairs above the surface of the skin/scalp.

A hair transplant relocates these hair follicles intact, allowing for them to resume a normal anagen growth cycle in the new location and subsequently when transplanted in there hundreds/thousands eliminate balding/thinning in areas of the scalp.

A hair transplant is a minor surgical procedure that involves the safe and efficient transfer/relocation of hair-producing follicles from a donor area (typically the hair at the back and sides of the head) to a thinning/bald area that concerns the patient i.e. hairline, crown, etc.

A hair transplant is a minor non-invasive surgical procedure that involves the safe removal of hair follicles from an area of abundant hair on the scalp (typically the back and side) and transfers them to a location on the scalp of sparse/nil hair coverage.

The cost of a hair transplant varies from one patient to another and is in most cases impossible to determine without a consultation with one of our specialists.

To accurately determine the true cost of a hair transplant we first need to determine if this form of treatment is the most appropriate in your circumstance. We then need to assess the extent of your thinning/loss, the size of the area that requires treatment and determine which method of hair transplant is preferred or most advantageous. Only then will we be able to definitively offer a cost for the treatment. Analogy: You would not expect a carpet fitter to give you a price to supply and fit carpet for your hall, stairs and landing without first needing to measure up. The same principle applies to hair restoration. We do offer hair transplant finance repayment options to allow your increased repayment flexibility.

No. A hair transplant is not a painful procedure. The most discomfort you as a patient should feel is the first few injections of local anaesthetic. Once the initial injections of local anaesthetic take effect all subsequent injections of local anaesthetic and the procedure will be perfectly comfortable. The most you will be aware of is light pressure.

A typical hair transplant result begins to emerge at approximately 3-4 months when the hair follicles enter into a new Anagen growth phase. The appearance of thickness and fullness will continue to develop with the final results of the hair transplant being manifested at between 12-18 months.

The Care Quality Commission are an independent government body that regulates all healthcare providers both Private and NHS. It is a legal requirement that any company or organisation that provides healthcare in the UK is registered to carry out their registered activity/treatment with the CQC. A provider that is registered with the CQC assures the consumer/patient that the service provided and the facility that the service is carried out at is to the highest standards. You can validate the registration details of a provider by visiting: http://cqc.org.uk and typing the provider's name. If the provider is not in the database they are not registered and you should not only avoid but notify the CQC and police of this company/organisation.

The General Medical Council (GMC) are the independent regulator for doctors in the UK. The GMC’s legal purpose is to protect, promote and maintain the health and safety of the public by making sure that doctors meet their standards for good medical practice. The GMC do that by controlling entry to the medical register and setting the standards for medical schools and postgraduate education and training. They also determine the principles and values that underpin good medical practice and we take action when those standards are not met. You can check a doctors registration status by visiting http://www.gmc-uk.org. In the event the doctor is not registered you should avoid them and make the GMC aware of his/her illegal activity within the UK by calling 0161 923 6602 and contacting the police.

The International Society of Hair Restoration Surgeons is an organisation established to represent the leading Hair Transplant Surgeons throughout the world. When seeking a surgeon to perform your hair transplant you should check to see if the surgeon is registered with the ISHRS. If your chosen surgeon is registered you can be assured they are an expert in the field of hair restoration and that you are in safe hands.

Male Pattern Baldness is the thinning of hair on the scalp caused by a genetic deterioration of the cells responsible for producing hair known as hair follicles by the hormone DHT (dihydrotestosterone). DHT is responsible for a process known as follicular miniaturisation that causes the hair follicle to contract/shrink. As the hair follicle miniaturise the hairs produced by the hair follicle begin to thin, the number of hairs produced reduces and eventually the hair follicle ceases to produce hair at all, resulting in baldness.

This is one of the two primary hair transplant techniques. It involves the removal of individual hair follicles from the back of your scalp. Once removed the hair follicles are screened under stereo-microscope to check their integrity and then transferred into recipient sites within the area being treated.

This is another of the two primary hair transplant techniques. It involves the safe removal of a narrow strip of tissue that is abundant with hair follicles from the back of your scalp. Once removed the hair follicle rich strip of tissue is dissected under stereo-microscope into individual follicular units and then transferred into recipient sites within the area being treated.

It is possible to return to work as soon as 24 hours after. It greatly depends on the nature of your job and how open you are to people being aware that you have had a hair transplant.

Typically 7-10 days.

However, it is dependent on the hair transplant technique you have and also how well you as an individual heals, which varies from patient to patient. At FUE Clinics we provide all our patients with a comprehensive after-care pack which is designed to promote the healing phase immediately after the treatment.

Yes. Hair from any part of the body can be used to perform a hair transplant. However, you should be aware that the characteristics of hair vary depending on its location on the body.

Yes. At FUE we use the latest in micro-surgical hair transplant techniques and instrumentation which allow us to perform eyebrow transplantation to restore partial or entire eyebrows.

Yes. At FUE we use the latest in micro-surgical hair transplant techniques and instrumentation which allow us to perform facial hair transplantation to restore partial or entire beards.

No. At this current moment in time, it is not viable to use hair from another person regardless of their relation to you i.e. Twin. The body will treat these hair follicles as a foreign body, attack them and ultimately cause them to fail. It may also result in further complications.

No. The current length of your hair, the way you style your hair and the type of hair transplant technique you have will determine whether your hair needs to be shaved for your hair transplant to be performed. The best way to determine this for certain is to arrange a FREE consultation. Following your assessment, we shall be able to advise you as to its necessity.

Typically 2-4 weeks. This is subject to the hair transplant technique you have, the size of the procedure you have and the type of physical activity you wish to resume.

Yes. Propecia is a very successful drug at treating men suffering from Male Pattern Baldness (Androgenic Alopecia) who wish to prevent the progressive deterioration of the hair follicles that produce hair. Hair Thinning in Men is the result of a genetic deterioration of the hair follicles caused by the hormone DHT (dihydrotestosterone). DHT is naturally produced in the body through a chemical reaction between an Enzyme: Alpha5 reductase and the male hormone: Testosterone. In the majority of Men, DHT is produced from the reaction between the Enzyme: Alpha5 Reductase Type 2 and Testosterone. Propecia is an Enzyme: Alpha5 Reductase Type 2 inhibitor and suppresses the production of DHT which in turn prevents the deterioration of your hair follicles. Propecia is only effective for men where existing hair is evident and total hair loss has not been achieved. Propecia is also only effective for along as it is consumed.

Yes. Avodart is a very successful drug at treating men suffering from Male Pattern Baldness (Androgenic Alopecia) who wish to prevent the progressive deterioration of the hair follicles that produce hair. Hair Thinning in Men is the result of a genetic deterioration of the hair follicles caused by the hormone DHT (dihydrotestosterone). DHT is naturally produced in the body through a chemical reaction between an Enzyme: Alpha5 reductase and the male hormone: Testosterone. In approximately 10% of Men, DHT is produced from the reaction between the Enzyme: Alpha5 Reductase Type 1 and Testosterone. Avodart is a broad spectrum, Enzyme: Alpha5 Reductase Type 1 and Type 2 inhibitor and suppresses the production of DHT which in turn prevents the deterioration of your hair follicles. Avodart is only effective for men where existing hair is evident and total hair loss has not been achieved. Avodart is also only effective for along as it is consumed.

Male Pattern Baldness in men is a genetic deterioration of the hair follicles due to the hormone DHT (dihydrotestosterone). DHT is naturally produced in the body through a chemical reaction between an Enzyme: Alpha5 Reductase and the male hormone: Testosterone. In the majority of Men DHT is produced from the reaction between the Enzyme: Alpha5 reductase Type 2 and Testosterone. However, a small minority of Men’s DHT is associated with a chemical reaction between the Enzyme: Alpha5 Reductase Type 1 and Testosterone. Propecia is only an Enzyme: Alpha5 Reductase Type 2 inhibitor whereas Avodart is a broad-spectrum inhibitor of both Enzyme: Alpha5 Reductase Type 1 and Type 2.

Contrary to popular belief and the misrepresentation from sales orientated clinics, Follicular Unit Extraction or FUE as it is commonly referred to does leave a scar. It is important to bear in mind that there is always a risk of scarring when the surface of the skin is broken no matter how small the instrument used.

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) is simply a method of hair transplantation extraction. Therefore, as with all hair transplant methods, there will be guaranteed growth, as long as the procedure is performed by both a specialist hair transplant surgeon and a team of highly trained technicians.

Hair replacement is typically referred to as a method of concealing hair loss through the use of wigs, which are commonly adhered to the scalp. They can be used as a long-term solution and often prove to most successful with men/women who are unsuitable candidates for hair transplantation surgery due to the advanced nature of their hair loss. Long-term use, however, does come with an increased risk of scalp irritation because of the regular use of adhesives. Whereas, with a hair transplant, your own hair is transplanted back into the thinning or balding area(s) and offers a permanent solution with no additional maintenance other than the typical personal hygiene regime.

Today FUE and FUT are the 2 most advanced methods of hair restoration to date. FUE involves the removal of hair follicles individually, one at a time. FUT involves the removal of a narrow linear strip of tissue from the back of a patient scalp that is then slithered into individual follicles. At FUE Clinics, we provide our patients with both types of technique from world-leading hair restoration surgeons. We have no biased opinion towards either method, each is amazingly effective at replacing hair. We advise and recommend a particular technique subject to each patient's requirements and overall expectations.

Every sufferer of hair loss is different, whether it be:

Level or advancement of thinning/loss Type of hair e.g straight, wavy, curly or Afro-Caribbean Size of head/scalp Potential donor area size Amount of restoration required Pattern of thinning/loss Budget

The main difference between the two methods is the harvesting technique. FUE involves removing individual hair follicles, while FUT extracts the follicles within a strip of skin which is removed from the back of the head. Both methods achieve the same outcomes, but a FUT hair transplant will result in a thin linear scar on the back of your head, whereas FUE surgery results in various pin-hole-like scars.

Hair loss can be attributed to many conditions/illnesses. However, the majority of men who suffer hair loss will be the result of Androgenetic Alopecia or Male Pattern Baldness.  This is the process of follicular miniaturisation induced by the hormone DHT (dihydrotestosterone).

You can shower immediately after a hair transplant. However, washing your hair should be avoided for 3-5 days. We would also advise that you avoided getting the transplanted area excessively wet during this time. A shower cap or similar would be recommended as a precaution.

As long as a hair transplant is performed appropriately by a highly trained and experienced hair surgeon you can rest assured the procedure is completely safe. We implement strict protocols to ensure this as your safety is of paramount importance to us.

There is no upper age limit to having a hair transplant. Generally, the main factors that affect suitability are general health and wellbeing in addition to the availability of donor hair.

The length of time taken to perform a hair transplant is directly proportional to the size of the procedure (number of hair follicles extracted) in addition to the type of hair transplant procedure undertaken. A typical procedure can take anywhere from 3-8 hours with the possibility of consecutive days, subject to the amount of hair restoration required.

A hair transplant is the only viable option of restoring the hair you have lost permanently. It is important to be aware it only replaces what you have lost and does not prevent existing hair that has not thinned or been lost yet. It may be necessary for a patient to consider ongoing preventative treatments to combat this.


Fundamentally it is a very simple procedure to relocate hair from one area of the scalp to another. However, it is crucial to have it performed by a hair transplant surgeon with vast amounts of experience. Only then can you be certain of success.

Like for like, there is no real alternative to hair transplantation. Hair transplant surgery provides you with a permanent solution allowing you the luxury of growing, washing and styling your hair without limitations.

Absolutely not! This is one of those old wives tales that date back to men returning home from the world wars. They would go away as young men with thick heads of hair and return years later with thinning hair. Due to the lack of information surrounding hair loss, the common denominator was the helmets they wore and subsequently this was to blame.

Yes! However, it is important to bear in mind this is exceptionally uncommon if performed by an experienced and regulated medical team proficient in hair transplant surgery. The patient of a hair transplant must also accept the responsibility of nurturing the transplanted hair in the immediate weeks following to ensure they do nothing to compromise the result. Full instructions and guidelines are provided to all our patients.

Absolutely. Although it takes time for the newly transplanted hair to begin an Anagen (growth) cycle, once the hair begins this the results will be continuous. It is typical for this anagen growth cycle to begin anywhere from 2-4 months following a hair transplant procedure.

Yes, hair transplants are suitable for both men and women. To learn more, read our complete guide to hair transplants for women.

There are no immediate side effects a patient should be concerned about following a hair transplant procedure.

Typically not! A hair transplant is considered an elective procedure the same as cosmetic surgery. As it is not considered essential it is highly unlikely your health insurance would cover the expense. However, you could ask the question directly of your health insurance provider.

Prior to hair transplant surgery, you should avoid the consumption of alcohol, aspirin-based medications, heavily spiced foods (chilli, garlic) a minimum of 7 days prior. We would also advise that you refrain from consuming an A-Z multivitamin supplement. Such consumables can have an effect on the coagulation rate of blood. This can present complications both during and post-treatment. It is sometimes beneficial to perform certain scalp exercises to improve the scalp condition prior to hair transplant surgery.

Hair that is transplanted will not be affected by DHT (dihydrotestosterone) the hormone that originally caused the fallen hair to shed. Therefore, the hair that is transplanted should last forever.

Today, there are very few negative long term effects to hair transplantation other than the potential for numbness and indistinguishable scarring at the donor area. It is important to be aware that the major long-term effect to a hair transplant is the elimination of thinning/balding in an area that concerns you. The result of this can be improved confidence, a younger-looking appearance and increased happiness and well-being.

The success rate of a hair transplant performed by a specialist hair transplant clinic is 100% guaranteed. However, there is likely to be a small percentage lost on the graft uptake rate of approximately 1-5%.

Women can lose hair for a variety of reasons. The most common causes can be Thyroid disorders, PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), childbirth, hormonal contraceptives, dieting (vitamin/mineral deficiencies), stress and menopause. Women may also experience hair loss due to Androgenic Alopecia similar to that in men.

The most effective ways to prevent hair loss is to begin effective treatment during the early phases and hair thinning. Once hair is lost the only way to restore hair is through hair transplantation. Currently, the most successful forms of treatment for male pattern baldness are Propecia, Avodart, Minoxidil and Revivogen. You should consult a hair restoration specialist to determine if they will be suitable in your specific case.

Hair growth can be optimised by ensuring you maintain both a healthy diet and lifestyle. The aim should be to ensure you promote circulation and consume sufficient vitamins/minerals and protein. It is also essential to maintain a healthy hormone balance in the body.

Hair plugs can be categorised by a small grouping of hairs or hair follicles. The word hair plug has a poor association with older hair transplant methods pre 90’s that refer to a large grouping of hair follicles that resulted in poor results and dolls hair/plug appearance.

Eyebrow transplantation is a very safe procedure. It is a surface procedure, meaning that no deep structures are penetrated. Given the very vascular nature of the scalp and brow area, infections are exceptionally rare. Some swelling may develop around the eyes for a day or two. There may be some pain or discomfort related to injections to numb the area, but the procedure itself is painless. After the procedure when the anaesthetic wears off, pain and discomfort are minimal.

Generally, eyebrow transplantation takes around 4 hours. Approximately half of this time is harvesting the follicles, and the other half is implanting the follicles. With larger grafting cases that exceed 500 follicles, it may take slightly more time.

Generally, the hair for eyebrow transplantation is taken (harvested) from the back of the head or nape of the neck. This is referred to as the donor site. Hair here will have to be shaved prior to grafting. Shaving is performed in the office just prior to the procedure. Most women can easily cover up the shaved region with their hair if it is of adequate length.

The cost of scalp pigmentation will vary from one client to another, in the majority of cases it will be impossible to determine your treatment without a consultation with one of our scalp pigmentation experts. At FUE Clinics when it comes to scalp pigmentation and scalp pigmentation for long hair, we can accurately determine the cost of the treatment once we have considered the issue and the type of pigmentation you require. Our consultation process will involve a thorough examination of your scalp, hair and head, this will allow us to assess the extent of the problem and how we can help you, next we’ll provide you with the scalp pigmentation cost.

Scalp pigmentation comes with a few, minimal side effects, this includes your scalp being a little red after each application. The dots will also be darker and larger as your skin starts to heal, but then the tiny scabs that form over each dot will heal and fall off, taking some pigmentation and pigment with them.

While scalp pigmentation is known for being an effective treatment, there are some ‘cons’ to consider. It’s a permanent procedure so it can be seen as a disadvantage to men, the hair pattern will always stay the same, so changing it will require more treatments or a laser removal process. Prolonged exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays can also increase the rate of fading, this will require the patient to visit the clinic again for touch ups. Another thing to consider is that it's more important that men undergoing the treatment keep their hair very short in order to take full advantage of the treatment.

No. Whereas male pattern baldness will most commonly be isolated to specific areas of the head — most notably the hairline and/or the crown — hair loss in women does not always form in the same place. It’s also very unlikely that hair loss in women will lead to complete baldness.

As female hair loss can be caused by a number of factors, women can start to lose their hair at a number of different stages in their lives. After giving birth and during menopause are the most common stages that women will suffer from hair loss, although extreme stress can also be a trigger — which can happen at any age.

Female hair transplants take time before yielding visible results. After the first three months, you may begin to see regrowth in the transplanted area. However, your hair will only begin to appear thicker between six to twelve months. Each patient is different, meaning there is no exact time period for everyone.

You can tie your hair up straight after your initial two-week recovery period. Heat products such as straighteners and curlers can also be used after this period. You should wait at least four weeks before using products like hairspray, as it can block pores and can cause ingrown hairs.

We recommend a two-week recovery period. You may feel ready to go back to work after one week for office-based jobs, but your scalp will still be healing and will require maintenance to properly recover.

FUE and FUT hair transplants are both delicate and complex procedures that take time and dedication for a skilled surgeon to learn. Neither transplant method is better than the other per se; a particular method will be chosen for a specific patient based on which is more suitable to that particular individual.

At FUE Clinics, our surgeons and support team have years of experience in hair transplantation to ensure your procedure is as successful as possible. Not every transplant will yield the same results, however, as each patient’s situation is different; speaking to your surgeon before your transplant will ensure you know what results are feasible and realistic.

For the best results, make sure you follow your surgeon’s aftercare steps very carefully. The first few weeks after your transplant are the most important for achieving the results you’re looking for, so being extra-cautious will help you in the long run.

At FUE Clinics, we provide fixed-fee treatments. This is applicaple for all patients that we consider eligble for a procedure — determined by assessing a number of factors to ensure that the outcome that  apatient is expecting is realistic and achievable. For information on the cost of a hair transplant, visit our pricing page.

Thanks to developments in surgical technology and instrumentation, a skilled surgeon can perform an FUE transplant without noticeable scarring. Each individual follicle removed leaves a dot-like scar which will be almost impossible to see when it’s healed — especially when the surrounding hair starts to grow after being shaved.

There are no long-term side effects from an FUE transplant. The only thing you may experience is the type of post-surgery side effects you might expect from this type of procedure; including, swelling, bleeding and itching on the scalp.

One of the most common questions surrounding hair transplants is the price. Although you may be looking for a definitive price, the cost of a FUT hair transplant varies from patient to patient due to individual expectations and requirements. Therefore, a consultation with one of our specialists is needed to determine a price. For more information on how we calculate costs at FUE Clinics, visit our pricing page.

The short answer is yes. As a FUT transplant involves removing a narrow strip of scalp from the donor area, there will be a small linear scar as a result. This will only be visible, however, if you plan on keeping your hair very short. If you want to find out more about hair transplant scars, read our blog.

There are no long-term side effects of having a FUT transplant, other than a small linear scar on the donor area. During the first few weeks of your recovery period after the procedure, however, you may experience a swollen, bleeding or itchy scalp — common with surgical procedures of this nature.

During your consultation, your surgeon will discuss what results are realistic for you on an individual basis, based on factors such as your current hair loss and the quality of your donor hair. To ensure your transplant yields the best possible results, it’s important that you follow your surgeons pre-treatment advice and post-treatment aftercare during the first few weeks of your recovery period. This is the time when being extra-careful will help to establish stronger growth and better results. 

While some people may think that FUE and FUT hair transplants will yield different outcomes, it’s important to remember that the only unique difference between the two procedures is the method of extracting grafts.

While many people looking for both restorative and cosmetic surgery look for cheap alternatives in Turkey, this is not your best option. Focusing purely on price poses a number of risks, as you won’t be receiving the same level of care or have access to post-surgery advice and support like you would by choosing an accredited UK-based surgery. You can learn more about the risks of hair transplants in Turkey on our blog.

Beard implants are another commonly used term for a beard transplant, meaning you’re taking hair from one part of the body and transplanting it to your facial hair areas.. The process of receiving beard implants is the same as a transplant; with both FUE and FUT options available.

When it comes to cosmetic surgery, many people fall into the trap of focussing only on the cost of the procedure. This leads to many Brits who are interested in a transplant deciding to travel abroad to try and save a little money.

However, there are a number of things to consider beyond price alone. Like any surgery, a beard transplant will leave you feeling fatigued and will require you to follow strict post-surgery measures to ensure you experience the best results. By choosing a beard transplant in the UK, you can ensure you’re resting when you’re supposed to be instead of travelling internationally. It also means you can more easily contact your surgeon for check ups and advice.

Like any type of hair transplant surgery, the price you pay will differ from patient to patient. Prices for beard transplants at FUE clinics relate to how much hair needs transplanting, the quality of your donor hair and many other factors. For information on how we calculate the cost of a transplant, visit our pricing page.

Prospective patients require that certain conditions are met for a beard transplant to be successful. The most important factor when judging a patient’s potential success is the quality of their donor hair. If your donor hair is plentiful and good quality, you have a better chance to achieve the results you’re looking for.

If you’re interested in a beard transplant, book a free online consultation with one of our trichologists who can assess your situation and discuss your options.

The level of scarring depends on what treatment you choose. An FUT procedure that removes a small amount of tissue from your donor area will leave a faint, 1mm scar. If you choose an FUE transplant, on the other hand, each follicular unit is extracted individually — this leaves many individual scars, however, each one is tiny and invisible to the naked eye.

Eyebrow transplants fall under the category of both restorative and cosmetic surgery, just like hair transplants. As such, they’re not available on the NHS.

The amount you pay for an eyebrow transplant will relate to your specific needs, as the price can differ from patient to patient. The cost of eyebrow transplants at FUE Clinics will depend on a number of factors, including whether you are suffering full or partial loss for eyebrow(s) and the number of eyebrows affected. For information on the cost of an eyebrow transplant, visit our pricing page.

An eyebrow is a permanent hair loss solution. Like an FUE or FUT hair transplant, the transplanted hair will grow in the transplanted area as if it were always there and will last a lifetime.

Eyebrow transplants are the most natural looking solution to restoring eyebrows or covering up bald patches in your brows as the hair used in the transplant is your own. Once the transplanted follicles begin to grow, they’ll blend seamlessly into your eyebrows for a full finish.

When considering both restorative or cosmetic surgery, many people flock to Turkey as the country has become known for offering procedures at low prices. However, you should never simply focus on prices alone when booking a surgical procedure. Rushed procedures, language barriers and a lack of aftercare are just some of the issues that come with travelling to turkey for an eyebrow transplant. Read our blog on the topic to learn more.

Thankfully, no, a hair transplant is not a painful procedure. Your surgeon will inject a local anaesthetic to numb your scalp during the procedure. However, this doesn’t mean there is no discomfort. Side effects such as swelling, minor bleeding, and itchiness may occur after surgery, but this is temporary and very brief.

Other than a small linear scar on the donor area, there are no long-term side effects of having a FUT transplant. However, during the first few weeks after your surgery, you may experience itchiness, swelling, and minor bleeding on the scalp. This is nothing to worry about — these symptoms are a normal part of the healing process. However, if symptoms do not subside within a few weeks, it is important to speak to your surgeon for further guidance.

FUT hair transplants are a permanent solution to hair loss or thinning. If your hair transplant is carried out by an expert surgeon — like our specialists at FUE Clinics — your transplant should last you a lifetime.

You should avoid exercise for at least a few weeks after your transplant. Exercising before this will increase your heart rate, raising your blood pressure and therefore your chance of bleeding on the recipient areas of your scalp. Excessive swelling is also a risk, which could result in infection. Therefore, to get the best results and speed up recovery after your hair transplant, it’s best to avoid exercise.

Although every patient’s experience is different, you will likely see new hairs beginning to emerge within three months. By the 12-month mark, most hair follicles should have penetrated through the scalp. Having strengthened and thickened.

Men and women can both suffer from hair loss even after a hair transplant; whether it be related to male and female pattern baldness, alopecia or any other causes. However, transplanted hair from your donor area will not be affected by hair loss, meaning these areas won’t be at risk of falling out in the future.

FUE hair transplants last for life. The transplanted hair will retain the characteristics of hair from your donor area, even when moved to balding areas of your scalp. This means that an FUE transplant performed by the right surgeon will produce lifelong results.

The difference between an FUE and an FUT hair transplant is the method of extraction, not the results. An FUT hair transplant will result in a thin, linear scar across the back of your donor area, while an FUE hair transplant results in numerous, pinhole-like scars that are invisible to the naked eye. The way in which the extracted hair follicles are grafted is identical for each procedure, meaning no result is necessarily better than the other.

During the procedure, your surgeon will administer an anaesthetic that will numb your scalp during the surgery. This means you won’t feel any pain, however, you may feel some discomfort during your surgery and during the immediate recovery days.

Yes. The hair around the back and sides of your head is selected as donor hair as, unlike the hair on the top of your scalp, it will grow back after extraction. Despite this, your donor hair can still be at risk of over-harvesting if your surgeon tries to remove too many follicles during one procedure, meaning the hair will not grow back fully. This is one of the reasons why it’s so important to thoroughly research a clinic and its surgeons ahead of time.

You should not bend for at least 24 hours after your hair transplant surgery. Bending over will cause the blood to rush to your head — this can cause your scalp to bleed or for your grafts to not take.

Like any surgery, you should avoid exercise after your hair transplant. Push-ups can lead to unnecessary bleeding or grafts falling out, as well as any other physical activity will raise your blood pressure.

Yes, body hair can be transplanted to the scalp if a patient does not have enough donor hair for the procedure. Only certain areas of the body are suitable for a transplant, meaning not all candidates will be suitable for a body hair transplant.

All methods of hair transplantation are permanent. The donor hair follicles preserve their characteristics, which ensures healthy growth and longevity.

While technically possible, it is highly unlikely that a surgeon would ever use leg hair as donor hair follicles for a transplant. Leg hair differs from the hair on your scalp in a number of ways, including colour and shape, meaning it would be difficult to achieve similar results to a traditional hair transplant.

Yes, chest hair is often the most commonly used area of the body for a body hair transplant — assuming there are enough follicles to harvest. The chest is the most ideal location for body hair as the hairs most closely resemble those on your scalp when compared to areas such as arms and legs.

Everyone experiences hair loss differently, and each prospective patient will have varying circumstances. There are no strict perametres of when a person has too little remaining hair for a transplant, as many factors are considered. By speaking with a doctor or booking an online consultation, you can discuss what options are available to you with a professional.

While any injection can cause some discomfort, we use a local anaesthetic to numb the treatment area and ensure you're as comfortable as possible during the procedure. Most patients tolerate the procedure well.

The timeline for seeing results from PRP therapy can vary based on the specific condition being treated. For hair loss, patients typically start noticing improvements in hair thickness and growth after three to four months.

While PRP therapy can provide significant improvements, it is not typically a one-time treatment. Regular follow-up sessions may be required to maintain the results, particularly in the case of hair loss.

Yes, PRP therapy can be used alongside other treatments. In fact, combining PRP with other hair loss treatments or surgical procedures can often enhance results. Your healthcare provider can discuss the best treatment approach for you during your consultation.

While PRP therapy can be beneficial for many individuals, it may not be suitable for everyone. Factors such as your overall health, lifestyle, and specific condition will determine whether PRP is a good option for you.

Forehead reduction surgery is considered a permanent procedure and typically cannot be reversed. That's why it's crucial to have a thorough consultation with your surgeon to ensure that this treatment aligns with your aesthetic goals before proceeding.

No, forehead reduction surgery does not impact the muscles responsible for facial expressions or movement. The procedure solely involves the removal of skin and, potentially, hair follicles, leaving muscles and nerves intact.

Absolutely. Forehead reduction surgery can be beneficial for both men and women who wish to reduce the size of their forehead or lower their hairline.

The cost of forehead reduction surgery can vary depending on several factors, including the complexity of your case and the specifics of your surgical plan. A personal consultation with a surgeon will lead to a detailed cost estimate.

The procedure typically takes 4-8 hours, depending on the number of grafts required and the complexity of the design. At FUE Clinics, we take the time needed to ensure the best possible outcome for each individual.

The procedure is usually performed under local anaesthesia, minimising discomfort. Some patients might experience mild soreness after the surgery, but this can typically be managed with prescribed pain medication.

While you may notice new hair growth within a few months, full results generally take between 8-12 months. Regular follow-up appointments at FUE Clinics will ensure proper monitoring and support throughout this process.

The cost of an MTF Hair Transplant varies depending on individual needs, the number of grafts, and the complexity of the design. We provide a transparent and personalised cost estimate during the initial consultation.

You can learn more about the cost of hair transplants on our pricing page.

While any surgical procedure involves a degree of discomfort, the FUE method is relatively less invasive and is carried out under local anaesthesia. This means you'll be awake but won't feel any pain during the procedure. Post-operative discomfort can be easily managed with over-the-counter pain medication and usually subsides within a few days.

The recovery period for a transgender hair transplant varies depending on the individual and the extent of the transplant, but generally, most patients return to their regular activities within a week. The transplanted hair usually starts to grow after three to four months, and the final results can be seen after about a year.

The cost of a transgender hair transplant at FUE Clinics varies based on the complexity and extent of the procedure. During your consultation, we will provide a detailed cost estimate based on your personalised treatment plan.

You can learn more about the cost of hair transplants on our pricing page.

Yes, one of the key advantages of the FUE method is that it allows for the creation of a natural-looking hairline. Our skilled surgeons place each follicle individually, following the natural pattern of your hair, to ensure the results blend seamlessly with your existing hair.

It is generally safe to continue hormone therapy during a hair transplant treatment. However, it's crucial to discuss your hormone therapy and any other medications you're taking during your consultation. Our team will guide you on the best approach based on your specific situation.

Hair restoration surgery may lead to some mild side effects, including temporary discomfort or pain at the transplant site. 

Swelling and minor bleeding are also common in the days following the procedure. However, these side effects are typically short-lived and can be managed with prescribed medications and your surgeon's recommended care instructions.

Hair for a transplant is typically sourced from the back or sides of your scalp, as these areas are usually more resistant to hair loss. 

Body hair may sometimes be used as donor hair if scalp donor areas are insufficient, but this is less common.

Being well-prepared contributes to a smoother hair restoration experience. You can do a few things before the day of surgery, like arranging transportation, getting time off work to recover and wearing comfortable clothing.

After your consultation, your surgeon will provide specific guidance, like when to stop eating, drinking alcohol and cutting your hair.

For more in-depth information, read our guide on how to prepare for your hair transplant.

Hair loss on the crown of the head is one of the earliest signs of male pattern baldness – a type of alopecia that affects 6.5 million men in the UK, according to the NHS. However, it can also result from various factors, like hormonal shifts, medical conditions, stress, or simply the natural ageing process.

Crown balding can progress through various stages, starting with mild thinning and potentially leading to complete baldness in the crown area. The specific stages may vary from person to person.

To learn more, read our guide on the 7 stages of male pattern baldness.

The duration of crown hair transplant surgery varies from person to person and depends on factors like the extent of hair loss and the desired outcome. Typically, the procedure takes two to three hours to complete.

Determining the suitability for a crown hair transplant is a personalised process that involves a consultation with a surgeon. Factors such as the extent of hair loss and individual goals will be considered to determine candidacy.

For crown balding caused by pattern baldness, it's usually best if you've been losing hair for five years or more (typically past class 3 on the Norwood Scale). This is because, at this stage, balding tends to stabilise, allowing your surgeon to better assess the pattern of your hair loss. This reduces the chance of needing more procedures later on.

Read our guide on the best candidate for a hair transplant to learn more.

Crown hair transplant surgery is usually performed under local anaesthesia to keep you comfortable during the surgery. After the procedure, you might feel a bit sore, but this can usually be managed with prescribed pain medication.

The number of grafts required for a crown hair transplant depends on individual factors like the extent of balding and the desired hair density. Your surgeon will assess your specific needs during the consultation and determine the appropriate number of grafts.

While some initial hair growth may become visible within a few months, it typically takes around 12 months to see the final results as the transplanted hair fully matures and thickens. Regular follow-up visits at FUE Clinics will help us keep a close eye on your progress and provide any support you may need.

The answer depends on its underlying cause. If it's due to hereditary factors, there's not a whole lot you can do to prevent it completely. However, treatments like minoxidil, which can help stimulate hair growth, or even a hair transplant, may be options to consider.

On the other hand, if your crown balding is linked to lifestyle factors like stress or diet, making some positive changes in those areas could potentially slow down or even reverse hair loss.

Your surgeon can provide guidance on the most suitable approach for your situation.

A double crown is a unique hair growth pattern characterised by two whorls or centres of hair growth on the top of the head. It's usually influenced by genetic factors.

If you're not a fan of your double crown, a hair transplant is a potential option to explore.

The cost of a hair transplant for crown balding can vary significantly based on factors like the number of grafts or procedures needed, the complexity of the surgery, and your expected results. 

During your initial consultation, you will receive a personalised cost estimate. You can learn more about the cost of hair transplants on our pricing page.

While crown balding is more commonly observed in men, crown hair transplant surgery is equally suitable for women experiencing thinning or balding in the same region.

A crown hair transplant offers a permanent solution to restore hair in the crown area. This can improve your overall appearance and boost confidence.

Besides hair transplants, alternative options to address crown balding include topical treatments like minoxidil or finasteride or low-level laser therapy. Your surgeon can discuss these alternatives and their suitability during your consultation.

To learn more, read our ultimate guide to hair loss treatment.

  • Efficiency – Direct hair transplantation is an advanced method known for its efficiency. It's all thanks to the specialised implanter pen tool that does both the incisions and implantation at the same time.
  • Control – As incision and implantation occur simultaneously, the surgeon has significant control over the angle and direction of the newly transplanted hairs.
  • Quicker healing time – This efficient process can reduce trauma to the scalp, minimising bleeding and scabbing in the recipient area.

Increased graft survival rate – As the grafts are handled less and spend minimal time outside of the body, a study found there may also be a potential increase in follicle survival rate.

  • Higher cost – DHI hair transplants can be more expensive compared to other methods. The use of specialised equipment, advanced techniques and the need for a doctor with DHI training and experience can contribute to the overall cost.
  • Longer surgery time – Although the surgeon has more control over the direction and angle when implanting follicles, this calls for more precision. This can, therefore, be more time-consuming.

Direct hair implantations tend to cost more than other restoration methods. The cost can vary depending on factors like the number of grafts and procedures needed, surgery complexity and your desired results.

Specialist clinics, like FUE, will provide a tailored price estimate during your consultation. For more information on the cost of your hair transplant, visit our pricing page.

Your surgeon will determine if a hair transplant is suitable for you during your initial consultation. 

As DHI is a time-consuming procedure, it might not be suitable if you have significant hair loss and you may require multiple procedures. FUE can cover a larger area in less time, so it could be the better option.

To learn more, read our guide on the best candidate for a hair transplant.

A hair transplant is a permanent solution to hair loss. Your direct hair implantation results should last a lifetime!

Hair transplants are typically performed under local anaesthesia, ensuring your comfort during surgery.

You might experience some soreness in the first couple of weeks after the procedure, but this can be managed with prescribed pain medication.

You can typically expect to see the full results of your hair transplant at around 12 months. However, in certain cases, it may take up to 18 months for the transplanted hair to fully mature and thicken.

Regular follow-up appointments at FUE Clinics will allow us to monitor your progress closely and offer any necessary assistance to ensure you're on the right track.

DHI hair transplants often have a quicker healing process than other restoration methods. This is due to the efficient nature of the procedure, which can reduce trauma to the scalp, minimise bleeding, and decrease scabbing in the recipient area. 

However, individual healing experiences may vary, so it's essential to follow post-operative care instructions provided by your surgeon for the best results.

Newly transplanted follicles can undergo a phase known as "shock loss," typically occurring one to two weeks after the surgery. But not to worry – this is a natural part of the healing process and is only temporary. Most patients begin to notice visible results within a few months following the procedure.

The hair gradually thickens over time, with significant improvement usually seen between 6 to 12 months. You should see the final results within 12 to 18 months post-surgery.

Scars, especially those on visible areas of the body like the scalp, can often be a source of self-consciousness or insecurity. Therefore, concealing scar tissue can boost confidence and make people feel more at ease in social situations, increasing their overall well-being and quality of life.

Covering up scars can help people move past traumatic experiences associated with the injury or surgery that caused the scar.

The total cost can vary based on factors like the number of grafts required, the complexity of the procedure, and your desired outcomes.

Specialised clinics, like FUE Clinics, will offer a personalised price quote during your consultation. For further details, visit our pricing page.

Hair transplants are permanent procedures, so the transplanted hair follicles should continue to grow naturally and, therefore, conceal your scar for the rest of your life!

This is because hair follicles used in the transplant are typically harvested from areas of the scalp that are resistant to hair loss, like the back or sides of the head.

Hair transplants are commonly carried out using local anaesthesia to ensure that you remain comfortable throughout the surgery.

You may encounter some discomfort in the initial weeks after your procedure, but this can be alleviated with pain medication prescribed by your surgeon.

Yes, Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) is generally safe for long-term use. It employs low-power lasers or LEDs that don't damage tissues. Research indicates that the treatment is well-tolerated, with no significant adverse effects reported when used as recommended. However, it's best to consult a healthcare provider for a treatment plan tailored to individual needs.

Results from Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for hair regrowth typically start to appear after 12 to 16 weeks of consistent treatment. Visible improvements may include reduced hair loss and new hair growth, but individual responses vary based on factors like the extent of hair loss and adherence to the treatment plan.

Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) is generally considered safe with minimal side effects. Some users might experience mild scalp redness or irritation, which typically resolves quickly. Serious risks are rare, but it's always advisable to consult a healthcare provider before starting treatment to ensure it's suitable for your specific health needs.

LLLT is effective for many people with hair loss, particularly those with androgenetic alopecia. It stimulates hair growth and reduces shedding with consistent use. Compared to medications like finasteride or minoxidil, LLLT is non-invasive and has minimal side effects, but it often requires more consistent application. In contrast to surgical options like hair transplants, it doesn't involve downtime or recovery but generally provides less dramatic results. It's most effective when combined with other treatments tailored to individual needs.

No, LLLT does not work for all types of hair loss. It is most effective for androgenetic alopecia, the most common type, and may help with some other conditions like alopecia areata. However, it is less effective for scarring forms of hair loss or in advanced stages of balding. Consulting a healthcare provider will help determine if LLLT is suitable for your specific type of hair loss.

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